Einlesen von Images auf der Platte (Seite 1) - Einlesen und Brennen von Audio-CDs - AudioHQ

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Thema: Einlesen von Images auf der Platte

Ich habe eine größere Menge an CDs (an die ich leider nicht mahr so einfach herankomme) als Image auf meiner Platte abgelegt. Dafür habe ich damals das neroeigene Format .nrg verwendet.
Dieses habe ich bisher immer mittels Deamon-Tools gemoutet und mit AG und Lame gerippt. So hat das damals sehr gut funktioniert, aber damals habe ich auch noch nicht an EAC und verlustfreie Komprimierung gedacht ;-)
Nun stellt sich mir aber die Frage: Funktioniert in diesem Fall wenn ich die CDs über das virtuelle Laufwerk mit EAC rippe die Test & Copy bzw. AccurateRip Funktion trotzdem???


Re: Einlesen von Images auf der Platte

Nero fehlt die Offset-Korrektur. Wenn Du also mit Nero eingelesen hast und dieses Image mit EAC pseudo-rippen willst, wirst Du kein akkurates Ergebnis erhalten, selbst wenn Nero (abgesehen von der Offset-Korrektur) eine bitgenaue Kopie erstellt haben sollte.

Wenn Du an die CDs nicht mehr rankommst, musst Du die Auslesequalität so akzeptieren wie sie vorliegt. Dann kannst Du auch weiterhin mit AG encodieren...

Raubkopieren ist nicht der ideologische Kampf gegen das böse System,
sondern egoistische, arrogante, knausrige Scheiße.


Re: Einlesen von Images auf der Platte

Ein klein wenig nachdenken könnte Dich auf die richtige Spur bringen.

Rippen benennt man im allgemeinen den Vorgang Audio-Daten einer Audio CD durch des Computer eigenen Laufwerks in "nicht Echtzeit" auf eine Festplatte oder USB-Stick zu transferieren.

So hatte ich die Antwort beginnen wollen, dann kamen die Gedanken zur Ausformulierung des nächsten Satzes.

Gedanken schrieb:

Neben dem physischen auslesen der CD kommt ja noch das, ich nenne es mal, Entpacken der reinen Audiodaten aus dem eigentlichen Datenstream der CD (Stichworte: 8to14, Verwürfelung, PQ-Daten ... ). Dieses Entpacken stellt ja eigentlich nicht den Pferdefuß dar sondern das physische Auslesen der CD incl. der Positionierung des Startpunktes (Stichwort: Laufwerks abhängige Offset-Korrektur).

Hier musste ich dann ehrlicherweise meinen Versuch einer Hilfestellung abbrechen, da ich mir in keinster Weise darüber im klaren bin wie GENAU das anlegen eines CD-Images funktioniert, wo dort eventuelle Schwierigkeiten lauern und ob es dort Mechanismen gibt um Auslesefehler, ähnlich wie bei EAC, abzufangen und gegebenenfalls zu korrigieren.

Ich kann jetzt nur 2 Konträre Vermutungen anstellen:

  1. Bein Anlegen eines CD-Images wird ALLES, vom Lead In über die TOC, die Daten bis zum Lead Out erfasst und gespeichert.

  2. Es werden nur die eigentlichen Daten einer CD erfasst und das Imageprogramm baut eine eigen Orientierungsstruktur drum herum auf (abgeleitet von der Information das dies im neroeigene Format .nrg geschah).

Beide dieser Vermutungen unterliegen dann noch der Frage der Auslesekorrektur was dann folgende Erkenntnis bringen könnte:

  • Vermutung 1 mit Korrektur = müsste eigentlich Funktionieren

  • Vermutung 1 ohne Korrektur = neu Rippen

  • Vermutung 2 mit Korrektur = neu Rippen

  • Vermutung 2 ohne Korrektur = neu Rippen

Jetzt bleibt noch der Konjunktiv "müsste eigentlich Funktionieren".

Es wäre also schön, wenn jemand diesbezüglich eine Erläuterung liefern könnte, denn, auch wenn ich nicht vorhabe CD-Images anzulegen, es ist eine Interessante Frage und Wissen (im Akademischen Sinne) hat ehr selten geschadet.

Gruß TomPro

Man habe ich wieder lange geschrieben , da hat sich doch start78 schon mit einer Antwort dazwischen gemogelt ;)

Re: Einlesen von Images auf der Platte

Danke für die Vermutungen, aber ich fürchte start78 hat Recht...
Hier mal Try & Fail:

Anschließend kommt:

Die Einlesegeschwindigkeiten sind auf jeden Fall sehr nett...

Jedoch bekomme ich am Ende folgendes als Log:

Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011

EAC extraction logfile from 25. March 2013, 15:00

AC-DC / Stiff upper lip

Used drive  : DTSOFT  BDROM   Adapter: 6  ID: 0

Read mode               : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache      : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction                      : 0
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out          : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks   : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations       : Yes
Used interface                              : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Gap handling                                : Appended to previous track

Used output format              : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate                : 896 kBit/s
Quality                         : High
Add ID3 tag                     : No
Command line compressor         : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\Encoder\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -5 -T "Artist=%artist%" -T "Title=%title%" -T "Album=%albumtitle%" -T "Date=%year%" -T "Tracknumber=%tracknr%" -T "Genre=%genre%" %source% -o %dest%

TOC of the extracted CD

     Track |   Start  |  Length  | Start sector | End sector 
        1  |  0:00.00 |  3:34.70 |         0    |    16119   
        2  |  3:34.70 |  3:41.17 |     16120    |    32711   
        3  |  7:16.12 |  3:56.30 |     32712    |    50441   
        4  | 11:12.42 |  3:59.08 |     50442    |    68374   
        5  | 15:11.50 |  3:59.42 |     68375    |    86341   
        6  | 19:11.17 |  3:41.38 |     86342    |   102954   
        7  | 22:52.55 |  4:02.00 |    102955    |   121104   
        8  | 26:54.55 |  3:46.47 |    121105    |   138101   
        9  | 30:41.27 |  3:51.73 |    138102    |   155499   
       10  | 34:33.25 |  4:02.57 |    155500    |   173706   
       11  | 38:36.07 |  4:36.40 |    173707    |   194446   
       12  | 43:12.47 |  3:53.13 |    194447    |   211934   

Track  1

     Filename D:\Musik\AC-DC\[2000] Stiff upper lip\01. Stiff upper lip.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:02.00

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 79.9 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC C14612D7
     Copy CRC C14612D7
     Copy OK

Track  2

     Filename D:\Musik\AC-DC\[2000] Stiff upper lip\02. Meltdown.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:00.01

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 78.0 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC 36AC8A1A
     Copy CRC 36AC8A1A
     Copy OK

Track  3

     Filename D:\Musik\AC-DC\[2000] Stiff upper lip\03. House of jazz.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:00.01

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 71.3 X
     Track quality 99.9 %
     Test CRC C84FB167
     Copy CRC C84FB167
     Copy OK

Track  4

     Filename D:\Musik\AC-DC\[2000] Stiff upper lip\04. Hold me back.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:00.01

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 75.6 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC 305AA87B
     Copy CRC 305AA87B
     Copy OK

Track  5

     Filename D:\Musik\AC-DC\[2000] Stiff upper lip\05. Safe in New York city.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:00.01

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 73.8 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC 8E3C8F2C
     Copy CRC 8E3C8F2C
     Copy OK

Track  6

     Filename D:\Musik\AC-DC\[2000] Stiff upper lip\06. Can't stand still.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:00.01

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 71.4 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC 8C3408C5
     Copy CRC 8C3408C5
     Copy OK

Track  7

     Filename D:\Musik\AC-DC\[2000] Stiff upper lip\07. Can't stop rock 'n' roll.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:00.01

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 67.0 X
     Track quality 99.9 %
     Test CRC 733E6381
     Copy CRC 733E6381
     Copy OK

Track  8

     Filename D:\Musik\AC-DC\[2000] Stiff upper lip\08. Satellite blues.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:00.01

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 69.4 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC 0BFC9450
     Copy CRC 0BFC9450
     Copy OK

Track  9

     Filename D:\Musik\AC-DC\[2000] Stiff upper lip\09. Damned.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:00.01

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 69.2 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC BB94C714
     Copy CRC BB94C714
     Copy OK

Track 10

     Filename D:\Musik\AC-DC\[2000] Stiff upper lip\10. Come and get it.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:00.01

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 62.1 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC 6ECEF1D2
     Copy CRC 6ECEF1D2
     Copy OK

Track 11

     Filename D:\Musik\AC-DC\[2000] Stiff upper lip\11. All screwed up.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:00.01

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 51.8 X
     Track quality 99.9 %
     Test CRC EAD737E3
     Copy CRC EAD737E3
     Copy OK

Track 12

     Filename D:\Musik\AC-DC\[2000] Stiff upper lip\12. Give it up.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:00.01

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 63.0 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC B0979241
     Copy CRC B0979241
     Copy OK

No errors occurred

End of status report

---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.3

[CTDB TOCID: 3M1Cd3w1qDslZyQDXWI3RY7wxTM-] found, Submit result: unrecognized or virtual drive
[78be8c9c] (233/380) No match
[826822d7] (134/380) No match
[08d02e39] (006/380) No match
[09edfa22] (001/380) No match
[d240c4b6] (001/380) No match
[334ac8fe] (001/380) No match
[eca2c72f] (001/380) No match
[fb70624e] (001/380) No match
[34c62a41] (001/380) No match
[da217022] (001/380) No match

==== Log checksum 0B55F793AAC126AC01BF150939835643E6495CA3A15115506A43B706D9F0C5AC ====

Also heißt das: CDs neu besorgen... Dumm gelaufen.


Re: Einlesen von Images auf der Platte

Oder mit der Qualität des Vorhandenen weiterleben. Niemand sagt, daß eine CD unbedingt mit EAC ausgelesen werden muss, um bitgenau auf der Platte zu landen. Wenn Du mit der nicht vorhandenen Offset-Korrektur leben kannst, ist die reine Audioqualität bestimmt nicht die schlechteste.

Schlimm wäre es nur, wenn Du die CDs auch gleich mit einem schlechten Encoder unwiderruflich in minderwertigen, verlustbehafteten Datenmüll verwandelt hättest.

Raubkopieren ist nicht der ideologische Kampf gegen das böse System,
sondern egoistische, arrogante, knausrige Scheiße.

Re: Einlesen von Images auf der Platte

So, durch Zufall bin ich auf eine Möglichkeit gekommen wie ich das Problem des fehlenden Offset beheben kann!

1. CD in virtuelles Laufwerk mouten.
2. CD wie gewohnt rippen. Das kann auch im Burst-Mode ohne Test ablaufen, da die Daten ja schon auf der Platte sind. Hierbei bekomme ich folgenden Log:

Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011

EAC extraction logfile from 19. September 2013, 9:31

No Doubt / The Singles 1992-2003

Used drive  : DTSOFT  BDROM   Adapter: 1  ID: 0

Read mode : Burst

Read offset correction                      : 0
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out          : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks   : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations       : Yes
Used interface                              : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Gap handling                                : Appended to previous track

Used output format              : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate                : 896 kBit/s
Quality                         : High
Add ID3 tag                     : No
Command line compressor         : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\Encoder\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -5 -T "Artist=%artist%" -T "Title=%title%" -T "Album=%albumtitle%" -T "Date=%year%" -T "Tracknumber=%tracknr%" -T "Genre=%genre%" %source% -o %dest%

TOC of the extracted CD

     Track |   Start  |  Length  | Start sector | End sector 
        1  |  0:00.00 |  3:25.71 |         0    |    15445   
        2  |  3:25.71 |  3:45.65 |     15446    |    32385   
        3  |  7:11.61 |  3:26.57 |     32386    |    47892   
        4  | 10:38.43 |  4:00.30 |     47893    |    65922   
        5  | 14:38.73 |  4:31.21 |     65923    |    86268   
        6  | 19:10.19 |  4:02.27 |     86269    |   104445   
        7  | 23:12.46 |  4:24.19 |    104446    |   124264   
        8  | 27:36.65 |  5:02.03 |    124265    |   146917   
        9  | 32:38.68 |  3:04.47 |    146918    |   160764   
       10  | 35:43.40 |  4:00.66 |    160765    |   178830   
       11  | 39:44.31 |  4:26.53 |    178831    |   198833   
       12  | 44:11.09 |  4:15.49 |    198834    |   218007   
       13  | 48:26.58 |  4:22.56 |    218008    |   237713   
       14  | 52:49.39 |  3:31.30 |    237714    |   253568   
       15  | 56:20.69 |  3:23.66 |    253569    |   268859   
       16  | 59:44.60 |  6:13.69 |    268860    |   296903   

Track  1

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\01. Just a Girl.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:02.00

     Peak level 99.9 %
     Extraction speed 122.7 X
     Copy CRC 94AB5713
     Copy OK

Track  2

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\02. It's my Life.wav

     Peak level 96.8 %
     Extraction speed 96.9 X
     Copy CRC 9F4A2490
     Copy OK

Track  3

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\03. Hey Baby.wav

     Peak level 93.3 %
     Extraction speed 113.7 X
     Copy CRC 6079AF56
     Copy OK

Track  4

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\04. Bathwater.wav

     Peak level 98.8 %
     Extraction speed 36.5 X
     Copy CRC 25BD38FD
     Copy OK

Track  5

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\05. Sunday Morning.wav

     Peak level 99.9 %
     Extraction speed 95.4 X
     Copy CRC 4666B49A
     Copy OK

Track  6

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\06. Hella Good.wav

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 69.7 X
     Copy CRC C92FF852
     Copy OK

Track  7

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\07. New.wav

     Peak level 98.8 %
     Extraction speed 38.2 X
     Copy CRC A21F1D22
     Copy OK

Track  8

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\08. Underneath it All.wav

     Timing problem 0:02:51

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 49.0 X
     Copy CRC 9C34DE2E
     Copy finished

Track  9

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\09. Excuse me Mr..wav

     Peak level 95.8 %
     Extraction speed 72.7 X
     Copy CRC 80D2BAED
     Copy OK

Track 10

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\10. Running.wav

     Timing problem 0:01:12

     Peak level 98.8 %
     Extraction speed 37.2 X
     Copy CRC 72854703
     Copy finished

Track 11

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\11. Spiderwebs.wav

     Peak level 98.8 %
     Extraction speed 60.6 X
     Copy CRC D48E7957
     Copy OK

Track 12

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\12. Simple Kind of Life.wav

     Peak level 98.8 %
     Extraction speed 50.0 X
     Copy CRC BDF024D2
     Copy OK

Track 13

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\13. Don't Speak.wav

     Peak level 97.3 %
     Extraction speed 79.2 X
     Copy CRC D213B956
     Copy OK

Track 14

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\14. Ex-Girlfriend.wav

     Peak level 98.8 %
     Extraction speed 30.4 X
     Copy CRC 933913BA
     Copy OK

Track 15

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\15. Trapped in a Box.wav

     Peak level 98.8 %
     Extraction speed 59.0 X
     Copy CRC 377092FF
     Copy OK

Track 16

     Filename D:\Eigene Dateien\Music\No Doubt\[2003] The Singles 1992-2003\16. Girls get the Bass in the Back [Hey Baby Remix].wav

     Peak level 98.8 %
     Extraction speed 45.4 X
     Copy CRC 9E0F61CE
     Copy OK

No errors occurred

End of status report

---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.4

[CTDB TOCID: uApzt.VD2YM0YSrtTv7JzIIymTM-] found
Submit result: unrecognized or virtual drive
Track | CTDB Status
  1   | (101/102) Accurately ripped
  2   | ( 99/102) Accurately ripped
  3   | ( 99/102) Accurately ripped
  4   | (101/102) Accurately ripped
  5   | ( 99/102) Accurately ripped
  6   | ( 99/102) Accurately ripped
  7   | (100/102) Accurately ripped
  8   | ( 99/102) Accurately ripped
  9   | (100/102) Accurately ripped
 10   | ( 99/102) Accurately ripped
 11   | (100/102) Accurately ripped
 12   | ( 98/102) Accurately ripped
 13   | ( 97/102) Accurately ripped
 14   | ( 99/102) Accurately ripped
 15   | (100/102) Accurately ripped
 16   | ( 98/102) Accurately ripped

==== Log checksum A28B27B8E3F2D04D2E3FCE9DC133F33898ED7B52D598FDF2ACBD5D91D28B7D5D ====

Interessant ist hierbei besonders der CUETools-Bereich in dem alle Titel als akkurat getestet wurden.
Sollte hier schon Fehler auftreten, ist das Image nicht korrekt.

3. (Nicht nötig aber interessant zu sehen) Mit CueTools "AR verifizieren". Dabei bekommt man folgendes:

[CUETools log; Date: 19.09.2013 09:33:09; Version: 2.1.4]
[CTDB TOCID: uApzt.VD2YM0YSrtTv7JzIIymTM-] found.
Track | CTDB Status
  1   | (101/102) Accurately ripped
  2   | ( 99/102) Accurately ripped
  3   | ( 99/102) Accurately ripped
  4   | (101/102) Accurately ripped
  5   | ( 99/102) Accurately ripped
  6   | ( 99/102) Accurately ripped
  7   | (100/102) Accurately ripped
  8   | ( 99/102) Accurately ripped
  9   | (100/102) Accurately ripped
 10   | ( 99/102) Accurately ripped
 11   | (100/102) Accurately ripped
 12   | ( 98/102) Accurately ripped
 13   | ( 97/102) Accurately ripped
 14   | ( 99/102) Accurately ripped
 15   | (100/102) Accurately ripped
 16   | ( 98/102) Accurately ripped
[AccurateRip ID: 00252fa7-01c1fafe-e10f7610] found.
Track   [  CRC   |   V2   ] Status
 01     [d7dce49d|2721fd7f] (000+000/300) No match
 02     [e645431a|66274122] (000+000/300) No match
 03     [ffe76ad4|a807d4a8] (000+000/297) No match
 04     [9babd574|2311e31f] (000+000/301) No match
 05     [d08b449d|115c5007] (000+000/297) No match
 06     [b3087f68|060b6967] (000+000/297) No match
 07     [39836482|9888b05b] (000+000/301) No match
 08     [cac22086|04aa02ac] (000+000/300) No match
 09     [015ed62b|21a6959a] (000+000/298) No match
 10     [433314d0|e4b6bd7b] (000+000/293) No match
 11     [1d7e5561|736fa614] (000+000/295) No match
 12     [a7f99275|08da0780] (000+000/295) No match
 13     [45b7bdee|5ac4be48] (000+000/295) No match
 14     [7551a4d7|c77ec764] (000+000/294) No match
 15     [b5959521|72971497] (000+000/292) No match
 16     [fcfdde8f|0baa18aa] (000+000/284) No match
Offsetted by -1322:
 01     [f62902cf] (002/300) Accurately ripped
 02     [23ee7b3a] (002/300) Accurately ripped
 03     [5be90267] (002/297) Accurately ripped
 04     [c84d16e7] (002/301) Accurately ripped
 05     [d33c1066] (002/297) Accurately ripped
 06     [8c142776] (002/297) Accurately ripped
 07     [a3f00d48] (002/301) Accurately ripped
 08     [91a5d796] (002/300) Accurately ripped
 09     [218e3bf0] (002/298) Accurately ripped
 10     [9960ae55] (002/293) Accurately ripped
 11     [fe35fe01] (002/295) Accurately ripped
 12     [8947cc90] (002/295) Accurately ripped
 13     [543c15ba] (002/295) Accurately ripped
 14     [23cb30ab] (002/294) Accurately ripped
 15     [4bcf453c] (002/292) Accurately ripped
 16     [d955fad9] (002/284) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -658:
 01     [e482abd3] (006/300) Accurately ripped
 02     [ee3dc2ef] (006/300) Accurately ripped
 03     [d8a5e09d] (006/297) Accurately ripped
 04     [0ea4cb29] (006/301) Accurately ripped
 05     [aa768c79] (006/297) Accurately ripped
 06     [3f7470c9] (006/297) Accurately ripped
 07     [f10059a0] (006/301) Accurately ripped
 08     [260181d6] (006/300) Accurately ripped
 09     [71acc510] (006/298) Accurately ripped
 10     [c0f7e185] (006/293) Accurately ripped
 11     [73970209] (006/295) Accurately ripped
 12     [0487ac5d] (006/295) Accurately ripped
 13     [c6bb34a5] (006/295) Accurately ripped
 14     [cffcdc63] (006/294) Accurately ripped
 15     [e6154744] (006/292) Accurately ripped
 16     [7cddd0c1] (005/284) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by 6:
 01     [8928d038] (174/300) Accurately ripped
 02     [fb0fed21] (173/300) Accurately ripped
 03     [c45bc581] (172/297) Accurately ripped
 04     [9ced4111] (174/301) Accurately ripped
 05     [de8e93e8] (174/297) Accurately ripped
 06     [b44f14ea] (172/297) Accurately ripped
 07     [3e10a5f8] (175/301) Accurately ripped
 08     [ba5d2c16] (174/300) Accurately ripped
 09     [e57a2307] (175/298) Accurately ripped
 10     [a32856e0] (173/293) Accurately ripped
 11     [be351db7] (173/295) Accurately ripped
 12     [f3778ef7] (171/295) Accurately ripped
 13     [c32c8f02] (174/295) Accurately ripped
 14     [5c074063] (172/294) Accurately ripped
 15     [80feb1b9] (173/292) Accurately ripped
 16     [2065a6a9] (170/284) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by 16:
 01     [6fbf5f63] (005/300) Accurately ripped
 02     [f78a3a23] (005/300) Accurately ripped
 03     [6141071b] (005/297) Accurately ripped
 04     [2829c0a7] (005/301) Accurately ripped
 05     [282cc30b] (005/297) Accurately ripped
 06     [586f0767] (005/297) Accurately ripped
 07     [9afc1312] (005/301) Accurately ripped
 08     [49b4ea06] (005/300) Accurately ripped
 09     [8de81120] (005/298) Accurately ripped
 10     [2240916f] (005/293) Accurately ripped
 11     [c19abb49] (005/295) Accurately ripped
 12     [6d1fb7fc] (005/295) Accurately ripped
 13     [7a6f9b4b] (005/295) Accurately ripped
 14     [426f98e4] (005/294) Accurately ripped
 15     [d15dd438] (005/292) Accurately ripped
 16     [b0bd497f] (004/284) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -1402:
 01     [cee1514e] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [519893ff] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 03     [8858b41b] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 04     [4e8b881d] (002/301) Accurately ripped
 05     [a1d6d8f8] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 06     [2669ed96] (000/297) No match
 07     [bc94a478] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 08     [16e7e816] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 09     [abf36c30] (000/298) No match (V2 was not tested)
 10     [97b129b5] (000/293) No match
 11     [43589191] (000/295) No match
 12     [c8a6f01c] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 13     [67ebae8e] (000/295) No match
 14     [74d4a09b] (000/294) No match
 15     [3938f4cc] (000/292) No match
 16     [5698e429] (000/284) No match
Offsetted by -766:
 01     [f0f41d65] (002/300) Accurately ripped
 02     [463c52ca] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 03     [28213d39] (002/297) Accurately ripped
 04     [47b680fd] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 05     [3794b5ce] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 06     [c0ec5be4] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 07     [9f11bf54] (002/301) Accurately ripped
 08     [4d1ab1b6] (002/300) Accurately ripped
 09     [92e89300] (002/298) Accurately ripped
 10     [4b7e21ad] (000/293) No match
 11     [2a85afa5] (000/295) No match
 12     [81954b5e] (002/295) Accurately ripped
 13     [faef68c0] (002/295) Accurately ripped
 14     [e3c999e7] (002/294) Accurately ripped
 15     [4cfd8de0] (002/292) Accurately ripped
 16     [ff91beed] (000/284) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by -750:
 01     [24854a01] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [527eee41] (009/300) Accurately ripped
 03     [83f7e3ae] (009/297) Accurately ripped
 04     [1887a0d4] (009/301) Accurately ripped
 05     [c2a4ee13] (009/297) Accurately ripped
 06     [218873d8] (009/297) Accurately ripped
 07     [008a6de4] (009/301) Accurately ripped
 08     [cc0d7b36] (009/300) Accurately ripped
 09     [aa6defc0] (009/298) Accurately ripped
 10     [b23ad5cd] (009/293) Accurately ripped
 11     [e97ec555] (009/295) Accurately ripped
 12     [b6d443f1] (009/295) Accurately ripped
 13     [cb9d13c5] (009/295) Accurately ripped
 14     [06c7b6b7] (009/294) Accurately ripped
 15     [50b53790] (009/292) Accurately ripped
 16     [b35129dd] (009/284) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -738:
 01     [599cc359] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [9839039e] (005/300) Accurately ripped
 03     [08d3a049] (005/297) Accurately ripped
 04     [f0741049] (005/301) Accurately ripped
 05     [670878a9] (005/297) Accurately ripped
 06     [a85805f1] (005/297) Accurately ripped
 07     [09a4f0d0] (005/301) Accurately ripped
 08     [ab439256] (005/300) Accurately ripped
 09     [fc11f550] (005/298) Accurately ripped
 10     [bf485ce5] (005/293) Accurately ripped
 11     [b8b99599] (005/295) Accurately ripped
 12     [2d4893c4] (005/295) Accurately ripped
 13     [a984d50e] (005/295) Accurately ripped
 14     [21064c53] (005/294) Accurately ripped
 15     [d37ef6d4] (005/292) Accurately ripped
 16     [fa20ba11] (004/284) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -670:
 01     [c795b0e1] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [3926cf7d] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 03     [52e423e5] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 04     [cb09e332] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 05     [96fe5d72] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 06     [b967d6f3] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 07     [e7e5d6b4] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 08     [46cb6ab6] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 09     [2008bf80] (000/298) No match (V2 was not tested)
 10     [b3ea5a6d] (000/293) No match (V2 was not tested)
 11     [a45c31c5] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 12     [93e3af18] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 13     [e9bb739e] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 14     [b5be46c7] (000/294) No match (V2 was not tested)
 15     [634b8800] (000/292) No match (V2 was not tested)
 16     [360e408d] (000/284) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by -640:
 01     [43854fde] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [ee9ce22e] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 03     [2151fbad] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 04     [b6e059bf] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 05     [10e6769d] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 06     [1b19e485] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 07     [fea81e02] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 08     [f4d2a486] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 09     [6c22cd68] (000/298) No match (V2 was not tested)
 10     [548c2c29] (000/293) No match (V2 was not tested)
 11     [aa6f3a6f] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 12     [d98da841] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 13     [935ad633] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 14     [775abccd] (000/294) No match (V2 was not tested)
 15     [2a43e62a] (000/292) No match (V2 was not tested)
 16     [e715290f] (000/284) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by -6:
 01     [022507ce] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [de9aaf13] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 03     [3b7a1023] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 04     [5f0469e9] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 05     [93654f4a] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 06     [acc9e5fc] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 07     [34f6230c] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 08     [db2714f6] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 09     [67b7030e] (000/298) No match (V2 was not tested)
 10     [e23b322f] (000/293) No match (V2 was not tested)
 11     [789c8a1d] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 12     [679ab725] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 13     [cce5d087] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 14     [e2d15cca] (000/294) No match (V2 was not tested)
 15     [e8d275c7] (000/292) No match (V2 was not tested)
 16     [d9961675] (000/284) No match (V2 was not tested)

Track Peak [ CRC32  ] [W/O NULL] [  LOG   ]
 --  100,0 [52F609C6] [C4F2EB61]           
 01   99,9 [94AB5713] [5F7342FB]   CRC32   
 02   96,8 [9F4A2490] [516B8B49]   CRC32   
 03   93,3 [6079AF56] [2E4752C2]   CRC32   
 04   98,8 [25BD38FD] [1493A39E]   CRC32   
 05   99,9 [4666B49A] [2C38D826]   CRC32   
 06  100,0 [C92FF852] [2417D832]   CRC32   
 07   98,8 [A21F1D22] [1A832685]   CRC32   
 08  100,0 [9C34DE2E] [DAD0F5EF]   CRC32   
 09   95,8 [80D2BAED] [B21E8ACB]   CRC32   
 10   98,8 [72854703] [84C3E928]   CRC32   
 11   98,8 [D48E7957] [FF5879A5]   CRC32   
 12   98,8 [BDF024D2] [4FAD51CA]   CRC32   
 13   97,3 [D213B956] [954C06D9]   CRC32   
 14   98,8 [933913BA] [9794F667]   CRC32   
 15   98,8 [377092FF] [29007706]   CRC32   
 16   98,8 [9E0F61CE] [EF19B08A]   CRC32   

Hier sieht man deutlich das der Rip mit dem eigenen Offset nicht stimmt, aber mit Anderem jedoch vorhanden ist.

4. Zu guter Letzt noch mit CueTools unter "Kodieren" "fix offset" auswählen (ich habe in den Einstellungen bei AccurateRip den Haken bei "zu nächstem" entfernt) und das ganze noch mal kodieren. Am Ende bekommt man:

[CUETools log; Date: 19.09.2013 09:34:44; Version: 2.1.4]
Offset applied: 6
[AccurateRip ID: 00252fa7-01c1fafe-e10f7610] found.
Track   [  CRC   |   V2   ] Status
 01     [8928d038|d86badae] (174+088/300) Accurately ripped
 02     [fb0fed21|7a5b90eb] (173+088/300) Accurately ripped
 03     [c45bc581|6ad92bc7] (172+087/297) Accurately ripped
 04     [9ced4111|230fbfb9] (174+089/301) Accurately ripped
 05     [de8e93e8|21809155] (174+087/297) Accurately ripped
 06     [b44f14ea|057419ce] (172+087/297) Accurately ripped
 07     [3e10a5f8|9af9e46d] (175+088/301) Accurately ripped
 08     [ba5d2c16|f1e022fd] (174+088/300) Accurately ripped
 09     [e57a2307|0546cae7] (175+085/298) Accurately ripped
 10     [a32856e0|4696c8bc] (173+085/293) Accurately ripped
 11     [be351db7|120750bf] (173+086/295) Accurately ripped
 12     [f3778ef7|5503b493] (171+086/295) Accurately ripped
 13     [c32c8f02|d8e432c8] (174+082/295) Accurately ripped
 14     [5c074063|afe44d8a] (172+084/294) Accurately ripped
 15     [80feb1b9|3c617f10] (173+082/292) Accurately ripped
 16     [2065a6a9|2c1d2fac] (170+082/284) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -1328:
 01     [f62902cf] (002/300) Accurately ripped
 02     [23ee7b3a] (002/300) Accurately ripped
 03     [5be90267] (002/297) Accurately ripped
 04     [c84d16e7] (002/301) Accurately ripped
 05     [d33c1066] (002/297) Accurately ripped
 06     [8c142776] (002/297) Accurately ripped
 07     [a3f00d48] (002/301) Accurately ripped
 08     [91a5d796] (002/300) Accurately ripped
 09     [218e3bf0] (002/298) Accurately ripped
 10     [9960ae55] (002/293) Accurately ripped
 11     [fe35fe01] (002/295) Accurately ripped
 12     [8947cc90] (002/295) Accurately ripped
 13     [543c15ba] (002/295) Accurately ripped
 14     [23cb30ab] (002/294) Accurately ripped
 15     [4bcf453c] (002/292) Accurately ripped
 16     [d955fad9] (002/284) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -664:
 01     [e482abd3] (006/300) Accurately ripped
 02     [ee3dc2ef] (006/300) Accurately ripped
 03     [d8a5e09d] (006/297) Accurately ripped
 04     [0ea4cb29] (006/301) Accurately ripped
 05     [aa768c79] (006/297) Accurately ripped
 06     [3f7470c9] (006/297) Accurately ripped
 07     [f10059a0] (006/301) Accurately ripped
 08     [260181d6] (006/300) Accurately ripped
 09     [71acc510] (006/298) Accurately ripped
 10     [c0f7e185] (006/293) Accurately ripped
 11     [73970209] (006/295) Accurately ripped
 12     [0487ac5d] (006/295) Accurately ripped
 13     [c6bb34a5] (006/295) Accurately ripped
 14     [cffcdc63] (006/294) Accurately ripped
 15     [e6154744] (006/292) Accurately ripped
 16     [7cddd0c1] (005/284) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by 10:
 01     [6fbf5f63] (005/300) Accurately ripped
 02     [f78a3a23] (005/300) Accurately ripped
 03     [6141071b] (005/297) Accurately ripped
 04     [2829c0a7] (005/301) Accurately ripped
 05     [282cc30b] (005/297) Accurately ripped
 06     [586f0767] (005/297) Accurately ripped
 07     [9afc1312] (005/301) Accurately ripped
 08     [49b4ea06] (005/300) Accurately ripped
 09     [8de81120] (005/298) Accurately ripped
 10     [2240916f] (005/293) Accurately ripped
 11     [c19abb49] (005/295) Accurately ripped
 12     [6d1fb7fc] (005/295) Accurately ripped
 13     [7a6f9b4b] (005/295) Accurately ripped
 14     [426f98e4] (005/294) Accurately ripped
 15     [d15dd438] (005/292) Accurately ripped
 16     [b0bd497f] (004/284) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -1408:
 01     [cee1514e] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [519893ff] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 03     [8858b41b] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 04     [4e8b881d] (002/301) Accurately ripped
 05     [a1d6d8f8] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 06     [2669ed96] (000/297) No match
 07     [bc94a478] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 08     [16e7e816] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 09     [abf36c30] (000/298) No match (V2 was not tested)
 10     [97b129b5] (000/293) No match
 11     [43589191] (000/295) No match
 12     [c8a6f01c] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 13     [67ebae8e] (000/295) No match
 14     [74d4a09b] (000/294) No match
 15     [3938f4cc] (000/292) No match
 16     [5698e429] (000/284) No match
Offsetted by -772:
 01     [f0f41d65] (002/300) Accurately ripped
 02     [463c52ca] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 03     [28213d39] (002/297) Accurately ripped
 04     [47b680fd] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 05     [3794b5ce] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 06     [c0ec5be4] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 07     [9f11bf54] (002/301) Accurately ripped
 08     [4d1ab1b6] (002/300) Accurately ripped
 09     [92e89300] (002/298) Accurately ripped
 10     [4b7e21ad] (000/293) No match
 11     [2a85afa5] (000/295) No match
 12     [81954b5e] (002/295) Accurately ripped
 13     [faef68c0] (002/295) Accurately ripped
 14     [e3c999e7] (002/294) Accurately ripped
 15     [4cfd8de0] (002/292) Accurately ripped
 16     [ff91beed] (000/284) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by -756:
 01     [24854a01] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [527eee41] (009/300) Accurately ripped
 03     [83f7e3ae] (009/297) Accurately ripped
 04     [1887a0d4] (009/301) Accurately ripped
 05     [c2a4ee13] (009/297) Accurately ripped
 06     [218873d8] (009/297) Accurately ripped
 07     [008a6de4] (009/301) Accurately ripped
 08     [cc0d7b36] (009/300) Accurately ripped
 09     [aa6defc0] (009/298) Accurately ripped
 10     [b23ad5cd] (009/293) Accurately ripped
 11     [e97ec555] (009/295) Accurately ripped
 12     [b6d443f1] (009/295) Accurately ripped
 13     [cb9d13c5] (009/295) Accurately ripped
 14     [06c7b6b7] (009/294) Accurately ripped
 15     [50b53790] (009/292) Accurately ripped
 16     [b35129dd] (009/284) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -744:
 01     [599cc359] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [9839039e] (005/300) Accurately ripped
 03     [08d3a049] (005/297) Accurately ripped
 04     [f0741049] (005/301) Accurately ripped
 05     [670878a9] (005/297) Accurately ripped
 06     [a85805f1] (005/297) Accurately ripped
 07     [09a4f0d0] (005/301) Accurately ripped
 08     [ab439256] (005/300) Accurately ripped
 09     [fc11f550] (005/298) Accurately ripped
 10     [bf485ce5] (005/293) Accurately ripped
 11     [b8b99599] (005/295) Accurately ripped
 12     [2d4893c4] (005/295) Accurately ripped
 13     [a984d50e] (005/295) Accurately ripped
 14     [21064c53] (005/294) Accurately ripped
 15     [d37ef6d4] (005/292) Accurately ripped
 16     [fa20ba11] (004/284) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -676:
 01     [c795b0e1] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [3926cf7d] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 03     [52e423e5] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 04     [cb09e332] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 05     [96fe5d72] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 06     [b967d6f3] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 07     [e7e5d6b4] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 08     [46cb6ab6] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 09     [2008bf80] (000/298) No match (V2 was not tested)
 10     [b3ea5a6d] (000/293) No match (V2 was not tested)
 11     [a45c31c5] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 12     [93e3af18] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 13     [e9bb739e] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 14     [b5be46c7] (000/294) No match (V2 was not tested)
 15     [634b8800] (000/292) No match (V2 was not tested)
 16     [360e408d] (000/284) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by -646:
 01     [43854fde] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [ee9ce22e] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 03     [2151fbad] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 04     [b6e059bf] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 05     [10e6769d] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 06     [1b19e485] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 07     [fea81e02] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 08     [f4d2a486] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 09     [6c22cd68] (000/298) No match (V2 was not tested)
 10     [548c2c29] (000/293) No match (V2 was not tested)
 11     [aa6f3a6f] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 12     [d98da841] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 13     [935ad633] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 14     [775abccd] (000/294) No match (V2 was not tested)
 15     [2a43e62a] (000/292) No match (V2 was not tested)
 16     [e715290f] (000/284) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by -12:
 01     [022507ce] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 02     [de9aaf13] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 03     [3b7a1023] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 04     [5f0469e9] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 05     [93654f4a] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 06     [acc9e5fc] (000/297) No match (V2 was not tested)
 07     [34f6230c] (000/301) No match (V2 was not tested)
 08     [db2714f6] (000/300) No match (V2 was not tested)
 09     [67b7030e] (000/298) No match (V2 was not tested)
 10     [e23b322f] (000/293) No match (V2 was not tested)
 11     [789c8a1d] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 12     [679ab725] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 13     [cce5d087] (000/295) No match (V2 was not tested)
 14     [e2d15cca] (000/294) No match (V2 was not tested)
 15     [e8d275c7] (000/292) No match (V2 was not tested)
 16     [d9961675] (000/284) No match (V2 was not tested)

Track Peak [ CRC32  ] [W/O NULL] [  LOG   ]
 --  100,0 [066053EF] [C4F2EB61]           
 01   99,9 [B29CC5D7] [ABD9DAD2]   CRC32   : offset -6
 02   96,8 [AFCF9BEE] [D8C91ACD]   CRC32   : offset -6
 03   93,3 [3BE73BCB] [AC7EBB05]   CRC32   : offset -6
 04   98,8 [4BA82908] [639FE583]   CRC32   : offset -6
 05   99,9 [F6198551] [C34417C1]   CRC32   : offset -6
 06  100,0 [D61FF55B] [99B4BFD0]   CRC32   : offset -6
 07   98,8 [F7E07C40] [1A832685]   CRC32   : offset -6
 08  100,0 [CD4EB154] [DAD0F5EF]   CRC32   : offset -6
 09   95,8 [ADD92EF0] [A21BB14B]   CRC32   : offset -6
 10   98,8 [A8E2500B] [EC11F2C9]   CRC32   : offset -6
 11   98,8 [5D317FD2] [A52BE1C6]   CRC32   : offset -6
 12   98,8 [B3166A2F] [D9DB3F3A]   CRC32   : offset -6
 13   97,3 [CC40EC55] [3FBF8372]   CRC32   : offset -6
 14   98,8 [EB21395E] [5FDC5F23]   CRC32   : offset -6
 15   98,8 [5F784E7D] [92FCFC48]   CRC32   : offset -6
 16   98,8 [C193C8CD] [EF19B08A]   CRC32   : offset -6

und hat einen akkuraten Rip.

Beiträge [ 6 ]

Seiten 1

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