Thema: amaroK 1.3 [Update #1]
Heute wurde die erste Beta von amaroK 1.3 veröffentlicht. Wieder gibt es zahlreiche Verbesserung in Funktion und Bedienbarkeit.
Zu den wichtigsten Neuerungen zählen:
* CUE-Sheet Support
* neue DCOP-Kommandos
* überarbeitete Browser-Sidebar
* überarbeiteter Playlist-Browser
* Wikipedia-Sidebar
* Support für Helix-Player-Engine
* einiges an Bugfixes
* vieles mehr (siehe vollen Changelog auf Englisch)
* Add Media dialog allows for multiple file selection. (BR 105903)
* The browser-sidebar has been redesigned for improved usability.
* Cue file sheet support. Patch from Martin Ehmke .
(BR 92271).
* New OSD text token, %playcount, will write the playcount.
* SmartPlaylists are editable. (BR 91036)
* PlaylistBrowser gets a makeover!
* New playlist column "Playcount" for track play counts.
* New playlist column "Extension" allows easy sorting of playlist for
compatible file types for portable media players.
* Ability to save streams to the PlaylistBrowser (BR 91075, BR 104139)
* New DCOP call "playlist: popupMessage" Displays a popup message box
in the playlist window..
* New "year - album" - group by mode for collection browser. (BR 94845)
* New DCOP call "player: setScoreByPath(url, int)". Sets score of a track
specified by it's path.
* New DCOP call "player: setScore(int)". Sets score of the current track.
* New DCOP call "player: path()". Returns the path of the current track.
* New DCOP call "playlist: saveM3u(path, relativePaths)".
* New ScriptManager notification: "volumeChange: int".
* Tooltips for album covers in the CoverManager. (BR 103996)
* Automatic download of themes and scripts via KNewStuff.
* Different analyzers available for the playlist window.
* New DCOP call "player: enableRepeatTrack" sets repeat track on or
* HelixPlayer-engine.
* 'Load' and 'Append' entries for smart playlist context menus. (BR 99213)
* Support for reading embedded images from ID3 tags. (BR 88492)
* Wikipedia tab in ContextBrowser allows for artist biography retrieval
and more, supporting 9 different languages! (BR 98050) (BR 104383)
* Show "title by artist" on playlists titlebar and taskbar. (BR 97670)
* Option to show stats in the Home tab by album. Patch from Cédric
Brégardis .
* New DCOP call "script: listRunningScripts()". Returns a list of all
currently running scripts. (BR 102649)
* New DCOP call "script: stopScript(name)". Stops a script. (BR 102649)
* New DCOP call "script: runScript(name)". Runs a script. (BR 102649)
* New form of playlist manipulation - Dynamic Mode.
* New DCOP call "player: enableRepeatPlaylist" sets repeat playlist on or
off. (BR 102754)
* Add Score widget into the tag editor. (BR 100084)
* Support for PostgreSQL as database backend. (BR 99863)CHANGES:
* "amarokscript" filename extension is now mandatory for script packages.
* Append Suggestions has been superceded by Dynamic Mode.
* Add a label (with shortcut) to the Playlist filter.BUGFIXES:
* Message box when saving of playlist failed (BR 105520)
* Avoid weird results when fetching lyrics with slow connections.
(BR 103561) (BR 101327)
* Compensate for reversed slider widget in reverse layout locales, such as
Hebrew and Arabic. Patch from Assaf Gillat .
(BR 102978)
* Playlist playMedia now works with streams.
* Context Browser is updated when current track's tags are changed.
(BR 102839)
* Clearing the playlist while playing a track does not lead to a confusing
interface anymore. (BR 103510)
Bitte beachten: Es handelt sich um eine Betaversion und wird daher erfahrungsgemäß mehr Fehler aufweisen als die als stabil gekennzeichneten Versionen. Hauptsächlich der, der helfen möchte, Fehler aufzuspüren oder einfach nur neugierig ist, was amaroK 1.3 so hergibt, sollte es sich installieren. Oder anders ausgedrückt: Nicht für den Produktiveinsatz. ;)
Wer einfach nur mal so reinschnuppern will, ohne gleich eine Installation zu wagen, kann sich mit den Screenshots die Zeit bis zur finalen Version vertreiben!